i'm in love in Yilloh!

Monday 26 April 2010

too much sadness :( but..... :D

holla guys, im active now, sorry for the unactive things. i was here to update some stories that i had.
as usual, i arrive at school at 7ish. i had some hurt feeling watchin them. but no worries, im okay sudah.
jymah do't change ah daling. no need to say sorry, we're not perfect. okay, here i want to say, i love you guys as my bestfriend SO MUCH!!! 

actuaally i want to sleep-over rumah aby pasal esuk kami kan plan sama-sama ke belapan, for the sport day. tapi, inda dapat, sorry guys. on wenni day saja we have a study group, kan?
okay, the oral was okay tadi, & they asked me pasal MIB! whutthefffuck! blank much.. sasak ku eh, english oral was really really really okay.. :D

thats all i think, happy belated birthday to this Bitch.

love you as my bitch, HAHAH! 

okay guys, xoxo's all. mWaHxZ!