i'm in love in Yilloh!

Thursday 8 April 2010

today was very unpleasent day :s

today i arrived school at 7.20 kali. pasal akhir bangun aah. cali wah tadi ah pijan migau. suka ku! hahaha. i love you sayang. i kkno we fight for our right.kan, sayang? okay, back to my story..
macam biasa, we have an assembly, singing together, lalala~ annen, we went to our class for having a normal lesson, firsty we have a Geo class, idk why my mood is change. my head is stuck, & i feel so dizzy.
so i decided to go home at 9pm, my mum to fetch me up.
 lapastu my mum bawa ke MMA pasal kan bg foods for breakfast. so, dtg rumah macam biasa, havin breakfast then tidur sampai tengahari, actually i wanted to attend Geo extra class tapi inda kena suruh, my temperature is high. so malas, just stay at home.

i heard from Aby, yang time durang extra durg combine with 5d iatah, when teacfher puji2 our class, Aby dangar si Zul cakap "inda jua seberapa!" baie jua tu anak ah. sial baah.
sitttt wah. malas ku pikirkan. i want to upload some my edited pictures.
wey, on 6th April i just want to say :

Happy Anniversary 1 Year & 11 Months, my Agijano Wahab. 
thanks for the day & night, sayang.
I Love you, eh. cibai! hahaah!