i'm in love in Yilloh!

Thursday 14 January 2010

thursday, 14/1/2010

its my early-morning-awake lagi pasal kan ke schoola awal, pjan told me so. so apa lagi, i awake early tapi sama jua aher ke schoola. streesss eh. then, i arrived school at 7.20 catolah. i came to class, annd i smelll an ass there, that's why i,ve ben mooody for the whole day. semakin hari semakin banci ku. BAIK JUA ADA MY SUPERWOMAN (Aby Lucas, Jymah Chie Pd)

annen, we're havin' maths class, then class combine science, disana tah i was started to moody, buduh wah buduh. paloi kali. then, we have a break. me & my girls inda break, we go to examination staff kan ambil borang june. then, cikgu M lagi nada, kusut eh. almost 10 baru ia ada, inda stress dimana. HAHAHHAHAHAH! then, we have Iaan class, then Geo & i love it! lastly we're having english literature, aaand i was sleeeep tdi, baik jua si wan baca loudly scene atu, mun inda nyaman eh tidur.

annen 12.30 jymah's watch told. so, we gave money arah yunee kan bali nasi arah malui pasal we're havin' extra class Geography at 1.30, sooo aku malas kan balik plus my mum busy doing her work. sayangly, jymah inda ampit nasi atu, sasak ku. kesian jua my girl tu. sokaay lah tu. then 2.30 time to get out from geo's room. kami tunggu di admin pasal hujan very heavy that afternoon. this time pjan decided kan ambil aku, i though datang tah ia sudah ni on 2.30 ni rupanya balum. ;( batahku tunggu ia. then, about 3ish barutah ia ada, & so much kesian di mentiri ada kebanjiran basar. & i was like wowwwww! kan naik sikit sudah arah cermin kerita woa.

then, i go home, tarus clean everything, hehe. aku kan tunggu pjan's cumin ke rumah. i gave him excuse akhir dtg pasal his sister kaN kahwin. ANYWAY, HAAPPY ADVANCE WEDDING DAY, KAKA RAHINI <3.
im off now, bye guys. " relaaaaaks saja braaader ah !"