i'm in love in Yilloh!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Momo is back :D

hello guys, im here back to this blog world. im here to say sorry to my toto pasal inda dpat dtg to your suprise birthday party. if im okay, dapat jua dtg. maybe next time ah. :D 

yesterday & today i were only stay at home, pasal demam. thanks to my hubby for save my life, eceeeeh ~ no lah, thanks for look for me, you too get weell soon ah, sayangku <3 *eish ani manatia alum balik-balik bejalan ni, awas kalau kau BEGATAL ah,ah JAN?

i dont kno what to say here, thanks jua to babu ros pasal urut kami bedua.. im feeling so well now, flu saja sikit. heheh thanks jua to you guys for reading this. hhoho.

anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my bitch, Toto.
have a blast, bebeh <3