i'm in love in Yilloh!

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Momo is back :D

hello guys, im here back to this blog world. im here to say sorry to my toto pasal inda dpat dtg to your suprise birthday party. if im okay, dapat jua dtg. maybe next time ah. :D 

yesterday & today i were only stay at home, pasal demam. thanks to my hubby for save my life, eceeeeh ~ no lah, thanks for look for me, you too get weell soon ah, sayangku <3 *eish ani manatia alum balik-balik bejalan ni, awas kalau kau BEGATAL ah,ah JAN?

i dont kno what to say here, thanks jua to babu ros pasal urut kami bedua.. im feeling so well now, flu saja sikit. heheh thanks jua to you guys for reading this. hhoho.

anyway HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my bitch, Toto.
have a blast, bebeh <3

Thursday 27 May 2010

hello guys,
im going to updates noww. exam FINITH already maaa~ hyper sorang-sorang ehs. HAHAHAH! td fred gito result english already out, shock berabisku when heard from yuni my english 30+ like "whuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut"! fuck eh! malas kan ingau, kan FREEEEEEEEEEDOM dulu sekajaps ah. :D

but this saturday i have to attend the workshop i-minda. i actually didnt kno what it is, just me, aby &  syiqin involved aah. we just interest on makanan nya ah, lunch JOLLIBEE sponsor, petang KFC, wewwwww!
so this is just i want to do. malas aah, kan online sekajaps, kacau my geng-gen BAIE ah.

 baruk ku! <3

babun ku kinta ni! :D

ani ambuk ku! me lavv you, ambuks!

okay thats all, guys.
me lavv you all xoxo's!

Monday 24 May 2010

i was okay, but you? not?

the exam was okaay, i think.english literature was freeeeeeeeeeaking easy. *tia karang. hahaahah! i had fun when english lit time. pasal lim ei siang was sit infront of me. kami beibun when teacher were walking around & around..then, having fun jua pasal behind me asyiqin baruk ahh. kan qin? HAHAHA! also aby were sitting next to me. mati kali, banyak beibun luan2 sanang bah papernya ah.

then, so as usual when the time is come to go home, we pack our things dengan semangat. orang POA masih susah hati, kami INDAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! wheeeee :D abis sudah ENGLISH LITERATURE!

then, i wait for my uncle to fetch me up. he came at 1 ish kali, akhir ah. biaaaaasaku sudah! before that i spent my half an hour with Shukri Damit, kami cerita pasal Amal Pyrah &Zelle. eh mal, aku rindu kau waaaah, lama sudah inda contact. nanti we meet mal ah?? ah? :s

tomorrow our exam is Combined Science Paper 1, i guess it will be easy as makan kacang. HAHAAHA! but, after that, i have to test my malay 1 pasal on that actual day, aku escaaape! HAHAHA, nada dyh. i was exam june paper on that time. teclash ah. :s wish me luck, guys ;D

i this is all. malas kan update banyak-banyak. anyway aku sayang tu anak 3 orang ah, si Asyiqin Baruk, si Aby Ambuk, si Jymah Babun. sayang ku kamu aah!

Monday 26 April 2010

too much sadness :( but..... :D

holla guys, im active now, sorry for the unactive things. i was here to update some stories that i had.
as usual, i arrive at school at 7ish. i had some hurt feeling watchin them. but no worries, im okay sudah.
jymah do't change ah daling. no need to say sorry, we're not perfect. okay, here i want to say, i love you guys as my bestfriend SO MUCH!!! 

actuaally i want to sleep-over rumah aby pasal esuk kami kan plan sama-sama ke belapan, for the sport day. tapi, inda dapat, sorry guys. on wenni day saja we have a study group, kan?
okay, the oral was okay tadi, & they asked me pasal MIB! whutthefffuck! blank much.. sasak ku eh, english oral was really really really okay.. :D

thats all i think, happy belated birthday to this Bitch.

love you as my bitch, HAHAH! 

okay guys, xoxo's all. mWaHxZ!

Thursday 8 April 2010

today was very unpleasent day :s

today i arrived school at 7.20 kali. pasal akhir bangun aah. cali wah tadi ah pijan migau. suka ku! hahaha. i love you sayang. i kkno we fight for our right.kan, sayang? okay, back to my story..
macam biasa, we have an assembly, singing together, lalala~ annen, we went to our class for having a normal lesson, firsty we have a Geo class, idk why my mood is change. my head is stuck, & i feel so dizzy.
so i decided to go home at 9pm, my mum to fetch me up.
 lapastu my mum bawa ke MMA pasal kan bg foods for breakfast. so, dtg rumah macam biasa, havin breakfast then tidur sampai tengahari, actually i wanted to attend Geo extra class tapi inda kena suruh, my temperature is high. so malas, just stay at home.

i heard from Aby, yang time durang extra durg combine with 5d iatah, when teacfher puji2 our class, Aby dangar si Zul cakap "inda jua seberapa!" baie jua tu anak ah. sial baah.
sitttt wah. malas ku pikirkan. i want to upload some my edited pictures.
wey, on 6th April i just want to say :

Happy Anniversary 1 Year & 11 Months, my Agijano Wahab. 
thanks for the day & night, sayang.
I Love you, eh. cibai! hahaah!

Sunday 4 April 2010

sorry guys, not really active. today, i have an edit session. this photo was taken time i was in gadong with mummy. :D kami bali hadiah for uncle ramli, doling mama ah. hehe, soo romantic. awww..
masa di winmark i met Kaka Mumtaz, lawa ia ah. imissyou so much, ka. hehe, keraja ya sudah. we buy perfume, some toys for the niece & kain. siukkkk!

                              thats all, i think. bye guys. xoxo's.

Tuesday 30 March 2010

tiring day~

sorry guys, baru update aah. busy lately, ani me spend my time kan update pasal janji sudah arah fred aah. we had assembly tadi ann it was fun, & i love masa nad cakap "jam kamu sama ah, apalagi showoff kan tia" pasal jam me, Aby, Jymah sama Fred sama wah just different in colour. kami duduk lagi in one line tu, ruggerd waaaaah! annen, we have english class, so we start reading our reading booksss, mati kana panggil tarus ulatbuku wah. siuk jua kaliah membaca ani. ilove it! 

after break, we have test on malay. mati, meniru jua ahernya kami aah. pasal payah wah perumpamaan atu. gila kali, kan semua we have to be hafalkan aah STRESS! esok lagi ada test eng. literature! sit, alum lagi belajar sudah tia test. WTF!!! kali dalam kami test, yuni told me yang ada sportcheck. so, we all rush in kan minta simpankan handphone arah cikgu aah. mati, sekalinya bukan sportcheck. cikgu tu rupanya kan arah class 5D pasal ada someone yang pengsan. ada2 saja, ada lagi org ambulance tu mengangkatkan. siukk tapinya.
 kena angkatkan dari atas ke bawah. HAHAHAAHHA! last period we have pe class, kami inda ada game, yang guys saja play football. kami siuk having jokes sama sir Bahmin, we loves you, sir.

we have extra class IRK ni at 1.30, before that, kami di kantin, ucap2 orang. sekali, ada tia pundan form 1 ani, kami flirt2 ia, sekali sudah ia diluar, ia pengsan wah. we dont kno why. astaghafirullahalazim! anne, we attend extra class. macam2 cerita hantu sudah kami dangar di skulah ani. ee, Ya Rabbi!
afta 2.30 catu, kami jokin lagi di bustand, stress ku si fatin sama si nad aah, membuat aku gila. JANGAN GILA DONG~ HAHAHA! then, fatin balik. before aku balik, ada Fred dtg kali ia aga adiknya. GILA KALI, barutah ku tahu hari ni yang ia ada adik di skulah mentiri ah. banar, form3 sudah adiknya, barutah ku tahu today!!!!!

HAHAAHAHA! we have test tomorrow, but now im at cyber dangankan pjan men Dota and later having cs match. yatah, malas me kan baca eng. lit aah. so i spend my time here, main game. Yehee~

thats all i think, i'll be update when I want to update aah :D 

anyway, I LOVE AGIJANO wah!!

Sunday 21 March 2010

WEDNESDAY, 17/03/10

woke up early, is one of my routine. i have to wake early pasal im ready for havin' maths carnival, our class were involve & i love it. siuk lah, before tat we had an assembly pasal National Day, how it looks like masa on 23rd iatah durg show kan balik today. it was boring actually, but im happy pasal few of my 5b-ian involve in tiss events. apa lagi, hyper lah kami semua, even its hot&sunny day. mati, cahaya matahari aah arah kami kan ya. MEMBUNUH! annen, abis tia acara ah, so we prepare our game for tiss maths carnival ah. siuk lah, im in charge in prizes & jumble words game. siuk lah, tapi ngalih mulut me becakap saja, kan suruh urg main. hahaha! 
annen, cigu runi ask us to go to the Hall for Maulud, but we're not, malas bah kan masuk, tiss carnival siuk baah. HAHAHA, I & Aby decided to walk & see what other class did for tiss carnival, macam2 bah ada. ada lah one group atu, macam BESTFRIEND ku, malastah ku arahnya, streesss saja meliat mukanya ah. 

bell was rang, & its time to go home. kami tadi sudah decide inda datang esuk crosscountry pasal ngalih saja, baik dating sama katil kan NYAAAAMAAAAN. so we made it, kami hugs sana sini, pasal i'll be missing my BITCHES so much, ay! now, kaaan rindu tah ku naaah. payah ni payah. nevermind, we had time tuk jalan gadong ay or swimmin. 

thats alll i think malas me kan update dulu, see you guys again. <3

TUESDAY, 16/03/10

elew! i was absent today pasal aher balik dimalam, i also heard kata teacher starting tiss week inda belajar, pasal too many events aah. me ada penyakit M iatah malas kan dtg jua today. so i wake at 11-ish kali. so, terus me ngadu arah mama, lapar! annen, mum balikan mknan saja.
night, pjan ada match at 8 kali tu, so i ikut lah. balik macam biasa at 11 kali tu. ngaleh bah me. when arrive home, masakkan pjan mknan, annen bed time :D

literature student having an excursion ;D

well, uhm sorry for not really active ay. today, we, english literature student having an excursion at ICC for watching many countries are debating each other. it was boring actually, but we had fun when one guys was singing fireflies & he made his own lyrics. so awesome he was! annen, we have break, so me makan lah, sayangly Jymah, Aby, Qin & Fred inda makan. ma ganya kanyang wa! HAHAHA! annen kami lepak arah kawasan kan ke canteen atu, kami takin pictures, cerita pasal SHHHH! kami saja tau tu. teacher Cranky cakap we have to be at the bus when our clock was in 1.30p.m. kali, sorang2 panggil ia, she told us to stay to watch other debat room, till 2 p.m. macam apa, wasting time.

now, 2p.m sudah. kami rush ke bus, pasal excited kan jumpa katil. me & Lim was called by Aby "Keluarga Bahagia" pasal kami lambai kerita yang ada melintas sebalah kami. haha, tapi siuk wah, buang stress. me inda pandai kana balas lambaian ah, tapi Lim kena balas. Like A Shit! HAAHAHAHA! when arrived di skulah, kami begila lagi di bustand, pasal sorg2 minta aga pukul 3. adalah batah menunggu dalam 30mins lagi. so, i decided sama si Lim begila lagi. tapi siuk, we had fun. at 3-ish, abang me take me home, pjan inda dapat pasal we had crisis. smpai rumah, tarus me tidur, malas me mikirkan apa2 dulu. annnen, my amah bangunkan, and she said "Kawanmu datang , lai" & i was like "kenapa ya? astah!" (tapi dalam hati happy)

annen, we have a date. udah atu, ajis message ada match cs, actually kami malas. kami balas inda mau. alum batah, ada tia ia message lagi, katanya adik iparnya kena intai, kira bunga2lah tu nyuruh kami dtg, na ya tau urg ngaleh wa. baici!

so, kami datang di nbk at 9-ish, kami tanya mana tia urg kan mengintai ah, katanya lambat kau atu. i was like "APAKANZZZ!" saja woa kan nyuruh urg  datang tu. so paksa tah pjan ikut match, we balik at 3ish, pasal match started at  12 kali. ngaleh wah i, so balik then tidur me tarus.. atu ja dulu, bye. <3

Thursday 14 January 2010

thursday, 14/1/2010

its my early-morning-awake lagi pasal kan ke schoola awal, pjan told me so. so apa lagi, i awake early tapi sama jua aher ke schoola. streesss eh. then, i arrived school at 7.20 catolah. i came to class, annd i smelll an ass there, that's why i,ve ben mooody for the whole day. semakin hari semakin banci ku. BAIK JUA ADA MY SUPERWOMAN (Aby Lucas, Jymah Chie Pd)

annen, we're havin' maths class, then class combine science, disana tah i was started to moody, buduh wah buduh. paloi kali. then, we have a break. me & my girls inda break, we go to examination staff kan ambil borang june. then, cikgu M lagi nada, kusut eh. almost 10 baru ia ada, inda stress dimana. HAHAHHAHAHAH! then, we have Iaan class, then Geo & i love it! lastly we're having english literature, aaand i was sleeeep tdi, baik jua si wan baca loudly scene atu, mun inda nyaman eh tidur.

annen 12.30 jymah's watch told. so, we gave money arah yunee kan bali nasi arah malui pasal we're havin' extra class Geography at 1.30, sooo aku malas kan balik plus my mum busy doing her work. sayangly, jymah inda ampit nasi atu, sasak ku. kesian jua my girl tu. sokaay lah tu. then 2.30 time to get out from geo's room. kami tunggu di admin pasal hujan very heavy that afternoon. this time pjan decided kan ambil aku, i though datang tah ia sudah ni on 2.30 ni rupanya balum. ;( batahku tunggu ia. then, about 3ish barutah ia ada, & so much kesian di mentiri ada kebanjiran basar. & i was like wowwwww! kan naik sikit sudah arah cermin kerita woa.

then, i go home, tarus clean everything, hehe. aku kan tunggu pjan's cumin ke rumah. i gave him excuse akhir dtg pasal his sister kaN kahwin. ANYWAY, HAAPPY ADVANCE WEDDING DAY, KAKA RAHINI <3.
im off now, bye guys. " relaaaaaks saja braaader ah !"